Become an OCRS Member Today!
We love new members! Annual membership is $20 per household including the OCRS newsletter. Click here to view a sample of one of our newsletters. Your membership entitles you to: 10 issues of our monthly electronic newsletter (no newsletters in July or August) delivered to your inbox, free catalogs and brochures, access to rosarians across Orange County, and . . . new members also receive a free four-month trial membership to the American Rose Society (ARS)
Please print and complete the following (or download a Word file of the application by clicking the link below) and send it with a $20 check payable to the Orange County Rose Society:
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________________
Zip Code: _______________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________________
E-mail address:___________________________________________________
Are you a member of the American Rose Society?
________ Yes ________ No
Mail to:
OCRS Membership
P.O. Box 2143
Costa Mesa, CA 92628-2143
Roses pictured above: Cinco de Mayo (Floribunda). Photo by Dorothy Birsic