Become an OCRS Member Today!
We love new members! Annual membership is $20 per household including the OCRS newsletter. Click here to view a sample of one of our newsletters. Your membership entitles you to: 10 issues of our monthly electronic newsletter (no newsletters in July or August) delivered to your inbox, free catalogs and brochures, access to rosarians across Orange County and more.
Please print and complete the following (or download a Word file of the application by clicking the link below) and send it with a $20 check payable to the Orange County Rose Society:
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________________
Zip Code: _______________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________________
E-mail address:___________________________________________________
Are you a member of the American Rose Society?
________ Yes ________ No
Mail to:
OCRS Membership
P.O. Box 2143
Costa Mesa, CA 92628-2143
Click either logo to download a pdf or DOCX/Word file of the membership application/renewal form
Roses pictured above: Cinco de Mayo (Floribunda). Photo by Dorothy Birsic